Friday, March 31, 2017

External Features Or morphology

The external features of Frog is explained under flowing headings;
  1. Shape and size: - Body is somewhat spindle-shaped, pointed anteriorly while rounded posteriorly. It is dorso-ventrally flattened and stream lined. It consists of head, trunk and limbs. Neck and tail are absent.
Average length is 12 to 18 cm and width is 5-8 cm.

  1. Skin and colour: – Skin is thin, moist, slimy, and smooth. It fits loosely on the body and subcutaneous spaces are also present.Thus, frog's skin can be removed easily. Skin of dorsal surface is thick and has dorso-lateral folds or thickenings called dermal plicae. Colour of skin is green with black or brown spots dorsally while pale-yellow ventrally. A pale yellow mid-dorsal line runs from tip of snout to cloacal aperture.It's main function is to protect underlying parts while is also responsible for respiration. 
The chromatophores give colour to skin. Three types of chromatophores are present which are: Melanophores provide black brown colour, Xanthophores provide reddish and yellowish colour and Guanophores provide whitish colour.

  1. Head: - It is roughly triangular with narrow blunt anterior end and more wide posterior end. Its bluntly pointed anterior end is called as snout. The head consists of following structures:  
          * Mouth: - A wide opening at the top of snout and remains bounded by immovable 
           upper jaw and movable lower jaw.
*External nares: - Two small openings present dorsally above the mouth through which air passes during respiration.
*Eyes: - Two large, spherical and protruding eyes are present dorso-laterally on top of head. Each eye is spherical in shape and protrudes to some extent. The dorso-lateral position and protuberant nature help to view side objects in absence of neck. Each eye remains protected by thick, immovable upper eye lid and thin and movable lower eye lid. A thin, transparent and freely movable third eye lid or nictitating membrane arises from lower eye lid which helps in viewing and protects eye inside water.
*Eardrum or tympanum: - Behind each eye a circular patch of skin called as eardrum or tympanum is present. It receives sound wave.
*Brown spot: - A light coloured patch present in the middle of head just infront of eyes representing the third eye of the ancestors.
*vocal sacs: - In male frogs, under surface of head contains two bluish patches of skin called as vocal sacs, which act as resonator to intensify sound wave during croaking.  

  1. Trunk: – Head remains joined with flat trunk at behind. Its back is raised in the middle called as hump which is generally visible during squatting.
At the posterior end of trunk, a small circular opening called cloacal aperture is present through which undigested food metabolic wastage and gametes are passed out.
* Limbs: - Two pairs of limbs are present laterally, fore limbs and hind limbs.
Fore limbs are short and arise anteriorly from trunk just behind head. Each fore limb consists of upper arm, fore arm and hand with 4-digits.  Its thumb is vestigial. In male frog, base of 1st finger get thickened during breeding season to form a pad like structure called as copulatory pad or nuptial pad. It helps to clasp female frog during amplexus.

Hind limbs are much elongated and powerful. They arise posteriorly from trunk. Each hind limb consists of upper thigh, middle shank and terminal foot with 5 slender toes connected by broad web which helps in swimming.

Sexual Diamorphism
     It refers to some external characters by which male and female frogs are distinguished.
i.              Males are slimmer while females are stouter.
ii.            Males are generally smaller than females.
iii.           Males possess vocal sacs.
iv.           Males possess copulatory pads.