Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Human diseases: Typhoid

It is a serious communicable disease caused by bacteria and is commonly called as enteric fever. The bacterium lives in the intestine and produces several intestinal disorders.
Occurrence: It is found throughout the world. It is most common in areas with lack of sanitation and poor standards of drinking water.

Causative organism: The causative organism of typhoid is bacterium, Salmonella typhi which is a rod shaped gram-negative bacteria.
Reservoir and source of infection: This bacterium is restricted to human host. The patient and infected person (carriers) act as reservoir. The urine and faecal matter of infected person act as source of infection.
Mode of transmission: The typhoid spread by direct or indirect contact with patient or carrier. It gets transmitted by contaminated food, drinks, raw fruits and vegetables.  In some cases the flies also help to contaminate food and drinks.
Incubation period: The incubation period ranges from one to three weeks with an average of two weeks.
Symptoms: Typhoid may be characterized by following symptoms:
·         Constant high fever for one to three weeks.
·         The fever relapses when other parts of body are affected. The bone marrow, spleen, gall bladder etc are affected.
·         Intestinal wall shows lesions, haemorrhage and ulceration.
·         Swelling of spleen.
·         Constipation is more common than diarrohea. In few cases death may results due to intestinal hemorrhage.
Diagnosis: Typhoid is diagnosed by blood, urine or stool test.
Preventive methods (Prophylaxis): The preventive methods are:
·         Proper sanitation.
·         Proper personal cleanliness.
·         Proper sewage disposal.
·         Control of flies.
·         Protection of food and drinks from contamination.
·         Proper treatment of raw fruits and vegetables before eating.
·         Protection, purification and chlorination of drinking water.
·         Immunization with TAB vaccine( Typhoid, paratyphoid-A and paratyphoid-B)
Treatment: Antibiotics like Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, Amoxicillin etc. are used for the treatment of typhoid.